The trip to Joseph City to see Dennis' mom and dad and take home our little Tage to Flagstaff was uneventful and we had alot of fun, until we started for home. This is a picture just outside of Winslow headed toward Flagstaff. Yes that is a duststorm ahead. The day before they closed this stretch of freeway on I 40 down for 24 hours because the wind was 60 mph and visibility was zero. We made a mad dash to see if we could get through before it closed again. Well we almost made it. Some truckers were going to fast for the road condiditons and there was a 3 semi pile up. We waited for over an hour. Trucks as far as you could see behind us and..
As far as you could see in front of us. We had Caleb and Sawyer in our truck watching a movie so that wasn't so bad they were pretty much oblivious. The bad part was Bridger had started throwing up the night before we left and this hold up wasn't helping matters. Branden and Lynn tried to find out what was the hold up when they found out about accident they desided to take the boys and go back to Joseph City. It wasn't 2 minutes when they called and said Sawyer was now throwing up. (Lucky us it wasn't in the truck) So they went back to Joseph City. and we sat waiting. Couldn't go back we had passed the only overpass by 20 feet we were stuck for the duration.