Saturday, February 19, 2011

CSN Love Las Vegas Style

CSN - Love Las Vegas was a very difficult shoot for me. It was really hard seeing Love in Las Vegas on Las Vegas Blvd. I know it was Las Vegas Style, that being said I live in Las Vegas and LV Blvd. isn't my style of love. After leaving LV Blvd I drove around and found some more traditional places for love. Call me a succor for love. But "Sluts are people too" Just made me feel sad. I understand this is a documentary class and I am trying to get better at seeing and documenting. My favorite images came after leaving down town.


Smart Helm said...

What an interesting class you are taking. And it sounds like you are really enjoying it. Makes me want to go take a class myself... 'cept it would probably be about steel :-)

You are pretty awesome.