Today is the 2nd anniversary of my dad's crossing over. He was known by G. Ray Newman. I asked him once why he was called G. Ray, he told me that when he would flirt with the girls they would exclaim Geeeee Raaaay. He loved to be loved.
My children and grandchildren and hopefully my great grandchildren and the inventor of the
Oski Wow Wows. Of all the stories that they want me to tell them at night the Oski Wow Wows are their favorite.
He was a passionate man who loved life. He was a giver. I think of all of his attributes his compassion for others was my most beloved. He would help family, friends, or strangers. On more than one occasion we would have a stranger at the table for dinner. He would give them a a hand up by giving them an odd job to earn a few dollars. This is one of my favorite pictures of Dad, Grandpa, and Great Grandpa to some. It is of Danica and Great Grandpa dated January 2nd 2002. How do I know this because Dad sent this picture to me with this information on the back. Dad there are times that I am proud to be called D Ray.
January 2018 - goats
6 years ago
I miss Grandpa... I miss how he would always tell us to "Get outa the road!" He really was a giver...I think he was more of a giving and generous person than he was an awnry one.
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